harbor and Maintenance Dredging Alaska
An Environmentally-Friendly Dredging Solution
Alaska Marine Excavation's portable hydraulic dredge is a floating plant that facilitates underwater excavation of gravel or sand with the use of a cutter-head to loosen the sediment. Suction produced by a hydraulic pump removes the sediment and transports the slurry of material to a different location thousands of feet away via an HDPE pipeline.
This process is generally used to create and maintain navigable or passable waterways or channels. Hydraulic dredging provides an economical, environmentally-friendly and more accurate way of removing sediment build-up, as well as moving larger quantities of material more efficiently. Project lengths can vary signficantly — from a couple of weeks to multiple months — depending on permit needs, location, unpredictable weather, and the scope of the area to be excavated.
The portable dredges are capable of being transported by truck and trailer or by barge to any location with ease. Alaska Marine owns and operates all neccesary equipment for hydraulic dredging, which are located at various points throughout Alaska and the Northwest United States. Alaska Marine mobilizes the dredge, support vessel and equipment to the job site, in addition to obtaining proper environmental permits to perform a project.
Since 2012, Alaska Marine has successfully completed and conformed to all aspects put forth in three multi-year U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredging contracts on an annual basis and continues to have an exceptional rapport with the USACE. Alaska Marine employees are classified as the most skilled people in the dredging industry by the USACE.
Nome, Alaska
Alaska Marine Excavation has a multi-year USACE contract to perform annual harbor maintenance dredging of fine grain shoaled material in the Nome Harbor. Discharge of dredged material is then placed on the beach in a designated area via pipeline.
Billings, MONTANA
Yearly contract renewal for dredging in the Yellowstone River per specifications of ExxonMobil. This contract is for the removal of sediments and sandbars directly in front of the River Pump House and a small River Inlet that could potentially interfere with the water intake systems for refining processes. Dredging operations generally take place in early October.